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What an honor it has been to be your Councilwoman for the past 12 years. I am grateful beyond measure for your endless support and encouragement.

I leave this position to become your next State Senator knowing full well that I will miss so much about serving at the City level, though I am looking forward to working with the new members, as well as other regional leaders to continue investing in our collective future.

I’m proud of what we have accomplished together over the past decade. We built a community, complete with new parks, the aquatics facility, large employers, small businesses, new schools, fire stations, bikeways, homes, the city’s largest youth program and regionally recognized events like our award winning farmers market.

None of that would have been possible without the amazing folks who have helped serve this district over the years. So many amazing talented people have spent time serving our community and it has made all the difference in the world.

Im grateful to each of them and to all of you for helping me make Natomas a wonderful place to live, learn, work and play.

Thank you for choosing me to represent you.

As I sign off on this last email please know I do

so with a humble heart full of gratitude and joy.

It has been my absolute honor and privilege to

serve this community and this City.

Thank you,




As the Vice Mayor transitions into her next role and each member of our team moves to their new roles, we want to share with you a few important dates and some information about transitions.

A transition meeting is set for the new Councilmembers in District 1 and 3 to meet with Vice Mayor Ashby at City Hall before they are sworn in to take on their new positions and set out to build their own unique new visions for Natomas.

There are also a few more opportunities to see the current District 1 team before the transition, and some information about Vice Mayor Ashby’s transition to the State Senate as well:

  • Monday December 5th at 12pm, Vice Mayor Ashby will be sworn in as the new State Senator for District 8. While the ceremony is not open to the public, it will be streamed live from the California State Senate website. You can stream it online here.

  • Tuesday December 6th at 5pm, there will be a goodbye meeting at City Hall for the three outgoing Councilmembers. All are welcome to attend in person or on Zoom.

  • Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week, there are scheduled Santa Stops throughout the community. Find all the info here.

  • Saturday December 10th from 4 to 7pm at the new North Natomas Community Center, our D1 team is hosting a farewell party and would love for you all to drop by. Get all the details here.

  • Tuesday December 13th at the 5pm Council meeting, the new members will be sworn into office and take their seats at the dais.

  • In the evening of December 20th at Mulvaney's B&L in Midtown, we will celebrate the Vice Mayor’s transition to the State Senate and all will be welcome.

New Councilmember contact information:

Lisa Kaplan, District 1

Karina Talamantes, District 3

You will all continue to be constituents of Vice Mayor Ashby when she is

in the Senate, so you will continue to receive communications from her,

and her social media presence will transition with her to the State Senate

to continue providing updates, information and opportunities for

engagement as she serves the larger region. Her Senate website, once live,

will be found at

As always, on behalf of our current District 1 team, and all the previous people

who worked for this amazing community, we join the Vice Mayor in saying thank

you, from the bottom of our hearts. It has been our honor to serve you.

All our best,
Karina, Miesha, Deanna, Andre & Deb

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915 I Street, 5th Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814

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